Recently, I traveled to snowflake to visit with grandma and grandpa wilhelm. I was also privileged to travel with my younger brother Robert, who is visiting from Nova Scotia, Canada. During the three hour trip up and then back again, we were able to open our hearts to each other and share the greatest insights of our lives. At a rest stop in salt river canyon about 7:30 pm we pulled over to stretch. At this point I happened to gaze into the heavens and wonder at gods glorious expansive creations. It was at this time my mind was opened to personal inspiration. I had been praying in earnest for an answer to a question. The answer came without drama nor the beat of a drum. Yet, profound to my spiritually naive mind, the I am gazing heavenward, the lord does not want us to see everything all at once until we are ready. In the city at night we see only a fraction of the stars and planets. Out, away from the lights of the city our eyes are opened to the vast array of all that god has. so the answer to my prayer was this.......sometimes we must step back into the dark, let god take control, and put our faith in his hands. Isn't interesting that the very thing that allows us to see most things, is the one thing that we must give up to be able to see some things...........Light! Daryl